Monday, November 15, 2010

A Bitter Sweet Weekend

As most of you know I LOVE the weekends.
This weekend happened to be the last OU home game and not just any home game.
It was my little sister Jordan and best friend Marcus's last home game.
We had a BLAST!
We tailgated with the fam and hang out with some friends of Marcus after the game.
 Here are some pics taken at the game:
My little sister and I
(I can't believe she is going to be in Law School next year!)

Marcus and I
(I'm sooo proud of him, but sure going to miss him!)

You can see we had a great gameday and OU won!
But it was bitter sweet because this was their last home game as students!
I know they will come back when they can but it wont be the same.
I could not be happier or more proud of them!
They both are moving on and going to go great things and
I'm just lucky to have them in my life!
We still have plenty of weekends together, and
don't worry we'll make good use of them!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I am soo proud of your sister. I had NO idea she was going to law school! That's fantastic!! She'll love it!! We need some good lawyers out there!

    I never thought of it as their last home games as students! :( That is sad!!!

    I hope y'all had a great time!
