Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm so sorry!

I'm so sorry about not blogging for about a month now....
I've been SUPER busy with everything and
I've just haven't made time to blog.
I will be updated you guys on everything that has
been going on in the past month soon.
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
New blog coming this week...well maybe 2?!?! :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Top Ten Christmas Movies of All Time!

Its Christmas time!
Which is my FAVORITE time of year.
I love cold weather, hot coco, the lights, giving gifts,
time with the family, and most of all celebrating the birth of Christ!

If you know me, you know I LOVE movies.
And since I LOVE Christmas, of course I LOVE Christmas movies!

Here is my top ten Christmas movies of all time:

1. White Christmas

2. It's a Wonderful Life

3. Christmas Vacation

4. A Christmas Story

5. Elf

6.Love Actually

7. How the Grinch Stole Christmas

8. Home Alone

9. A Christmas Carol (1938)

10. The Santa Clause

I hope ya'll get a chance to watch some of these movies.
And have a happy holiday season!

Friday, November 19, 2010

"Reunited and it feels so good"

Hopefully most of you know the Peaches and Herb song
Well that song is how I feel right now.
This weekend my friend from high school is
moving back from college and
my best friend is moving back from Nashville!
I'm soo happy!

My friend Jan is such a free spirit and has an amazing family.
After high school she went to college in Illinois
to play volleyball.
Now she has found a job in OKC and is back!
Here is a pic of Jan with us.
Yes, it is 5 years ago on our Senior Trip in Mexico.
And yes, I know our fashion choices were questionable.
(Quincee Taylor, Me, Alli, Jan, and my baby sis Jordan)

Now what I'm SUPER excited for is my best friend
Rachel is moving home!
She is moving home to focus on her music.
She is such a great talent, friend, and person!
Here is us girls hanging out like to good o'l days!

(Me, Rachel, Quincee Taylor, and Alli)

It is going to be so nice to have us all back together
before we all get married and become "grown ups".
This is going to be such a great weekend, I can't wait!
and to top is off my BEST prom date and good friend
Emmanuel 'Eman' Wilson
is finally 21!
(yes, this makes me feel soo old)

(Eman and I)
So I just want to wish him a Happy birthday!!
Love you!

Well I know I'm going to have a blast this weekend,
so I hope ya'll have the same!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If only I had you a year ago....

So about two weeks ago I bought the new Taylor Swift album
"Speak Now".

It's AMAZING! I love love love it!
Its all about all the men that have been in her life and
I wish this album would have came out last year.
I feel like it speaks just to me.
It mirrors everything that I have been through the past 2 years.
If you have ever had your heart broken this album is for you.

Here is the song list:
1. Mine
2. Sparks Fly
3. Back to December
4. Speak Now
5. Dear John
6. Mean
7. The Story of Us
8. Never Grow Up
9. Enchanted
10. Better Than Revenge
11. Innocent
12. Haunted
13. Last Kiss
14. Long Live

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Bitter Sweet Weekend

As most of you know I LOVE the weekends.
This weekend happened to be the last OU home game and not just any home game.
It was my little sister Jordan and best friend Marcus's last home game.
We had a BLAST!
We tailgated with the fam and hang out with some friends of Marcus after the game.
 Here are some pics taken at the game:
My little sister and I
(I can't believe she is going to be in Law School next year!)

Marcus and I
(I'm sooo proud of him, but sure going to miss him!)

You can see we had a great gameday and OU won!
But it was bitter sweet because this was their last home game as students!
I know they will come back when they can but it wont be the same.
I could not be happier or more proud of them!
They both are moving on and going to go great things and
I'm just lucky to have them in my life!
We still have plenty of weekends together, and
don't worry we'll make good use of them!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thanks isn't enough

Today is November 11th which means it is Veteran's Day.
I would like to thank everyone who has served for our country.
You have no idea the joy, safety, and honor you have
brought to our country.
 Here is a poem I read that is perfect for today:

They Did Their Share

On Veteran’s Day we honor
Soldiers who protect our nation.
For their service as our warriors,
They deserve our admiration.

Some of them were drafted;
Some were volunteers;
For some it was just yesterday;
For some it’s been many years;

In the jungle or the desert,
On land or on the sea,
They did whatever was assigned
To produce a victory.

Some came back; some didn’t.
They defended us everywhere.
Some saw combat; some rode a desk;
All of them did their share.

No matter what the duty,
For low pay and little glory,
These soldiers gave up normal lives,
For duties mundane and gory.

Let every veteran be honored;
Don’t let politics get in the way.
Without them, freedom would have died;
What they did, we can’t repay.

We owe so much to them,
Who kept us safe from terror,
So when we see a uniform,
Let’s say "thank you" to every wearer.

By Joanna Fuchs
I would also like to thank one of my best friends who is over sea's as I type.
Kwam you are amazing and I'm so thankful to have you in my life!
(Kwam always talking lol)

(Marcus, Kwam, and I at the bowling alley)

Another person who I would like to thank is no longer with us.
My Grandfather, Franklin Fitzgerald.
I'm very proud to be a granddaughter of a WWII veteran.

Once again, Thank you to all the veterans and active military!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Finding Myself and Maybe a Little Love too...

Well for the people who already know me or are just reading this
blog, you guys know that I am a college student,
store manager and 23.
What some of you might not know is that for the past
11 months I have been single.
And when I say single I mean it.
I haven't dated anyone or even gone on a real date.
For some of you this might sound crazy or even sad.
But for me it has been great.
For the first time in my life I truly know how I am as a person.
It has taken countless mistakes, great friends,
and bad relationships to get me here,
but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Now I can see the end of the road for school, have a job I like to be at, and
have my best friends all back in Oklahoma.
I finally can start to look for the one thing that is missing in my life
which is: love
I'm not saying "I wanted to be married by 25" or anything,
I just want to find someone to be with, my best friend
and just someone to love.
Now that I know who I truly am and what I want out of life
I don't wait to waste my time on someone.

So now I am on a search.

Who knows how long or when it will happen.
It doesn't matter, what matters is that who ever this person is that
they will make me happy,
and hopefully I'll make them happy as well.

I know there are tons of women doing this same thing and
I hope they find what they are looking for.
So here is a quote I stumbled upon that has helped me:

"When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain."
-Mark Twain

Monday, November 8, 2010

New-er Hair

Yes, I know I'm always changing my hair but I'm in
LOVE with it now!
I think i'm sticking with the bangs and red hair
but it need to grow about 4 more inches
and I'll be happy!
So here it is:

I'm so sorry!

Well to say my life is crazy is an understatement! I have had so much with school and work that my blog just fell behind so I'm going to have to sum it up for you!

Well I have had a lot of birthday's in the past month and once of them was my baby sister Jordan!
She is now 22!

We had a blast together, love you sister!

I have had a couple of friends birthday's also:
We all went out after the OU game for Sabrina's birthday is was fun until our waitress kept rolling her eyes and went missing for an hour and half....

I also went on a trip to San Antonio for my DZ sister's bday, it was so much fun!
We got to see Chelsea Handler and Scott Wolfe, which was great.
The not so great part was going to Pat O'brien's and meeting the
Hurricane's. Bad idea!

(my big Shanna, Tamra, and I)

The last birthday I went to was last night.
I had a blast! It was my little and g-little's bday.
How cute is it that they have the same birthday?
Anyways we went to Edna's which is a great dive bar in OKC.
If you haven't been there you are missing out!
I had so much fun and got to see a lot of my DZ sisters but I only got a
pic with my g little so here it is:
She is too cute!

Another AMAZING thing in my life right now
is that my BEST friend Rachel is moving back
I can't wait to have her back in Norman!
And what also is amazing about it that for the first time
in four years Rachel, Quincee, Alli and I are all back together again!

They are the BEST friends and girl could ask for!

Well for now on I will be better about posting. My life has been a little crazy right now
but thing will change!
Love Ya'll!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Malcolm Kelly free styling after Big 12 Championship

I just had to post this!
This AlWAYS gets me excited about a game!
Boomer Sooner baby!
There is only ONE Oklahoma!

My CRAZY next two weeks

So on top of working 30+ hours a week and going to school full time, I have a ton of things going on in the next 2 weeks. This week I have an English Lit paper due before I leave for San Antonio. Yes, I am going to San Antonio. No, not to see the Alamo but to see Chelsea Handler perform live! I'm such a happy girl! She is my fav and I LOVE her books! If you haven't seen her show you should!

and BIG news..........      I got Bangs!
I know, nothing crazy but I love them
Thank you Quincee Taylor! You are truly the best!
Now just in two week the color will change...I'll have pics to show you!

And to finish off this week is OU/TX!! Can't wait, Boomer Sooner! Now next week is when it gets really crazy.
I have:
1 Spanish Essay due
Sugarland concert
Josh Abbott concert
Randy Rogers concert
and My best friend Rachel is going to be in town!

We are in some serious need of a girls night!

Well I'm going to be super crazy busy this next two weeks, as you can tell!
I'll try to update my blog with all my pics from my trip and concerts.
I hope ya'll have a great rest of the week!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

One of my favorite shows is back!

Its Sunday  September 26th which means Dexter is back on!

I love this show and so excited for it to be back. Last season ended crazy and I have no idea what is going to happen now. If you haven't seen it, you need to. Its about a cereal killer who kills other cereal killers. Amazing show! It comes on Sunday on Showtime at 9pm (my time).

Some of my friends are going to come over and I'm cooking dinner. On tonight's menu is from Bethany Frankel's "Naturally Thin Cookbook"

Lowfat Pasta Carbonara
This is the recipe I mention in Chapter 5 of “Naturally Thin” where I accidentally used vanilla soy milk instead of plain soy milk. NOT good! Consider yourself warned. Use plain soy milk and you’ll love this recipe.
Makes 4 servings
  • 1 pound whole wheat spaghetti
  • 3/4 cup soy milk
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan
  • 1 teaspoon garlic salt, divided
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper, divided
  • 2 tablespoons butter (regular or vegan/soy)
  • 8 slices organic turkey bacon, cooked until crispy
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes
  1. Cook the spaghetti according to the package directions.
  2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk together the soy milk, eggs and yolks, Parmesan cheese, half the garlic salt, and half the pepper.
  3. When the pasta is done, drain it and quickly put it directly into the bowl with the egg mixture.  Toss to coat.  The hot pasta will cook the eggs.
  4. When the pasta is coated with the egg mixture, mix in the butter, bacon, red pepper flakes, and the remaining garlic salt and pepper.  Serve immediately.

I'm so excited to have friends over with good food and a great show to watch! I'll let you guys know how it turns out because its my first time cooking this. So wish me luck! I hope ya'll have a great Sunday!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is it the weekend yet?

Can you tell so far is that I mostly blog on Monday/Wednesday/Fridays? It's because those are the days I don't have class. I have been so busy this week with work and school. I have a paper I have to write in SPANISH for my Spanish 3 class and an essay for English Lit. To say I'm a little stressed in an understatement. On the other hand I'm still on my diet and going strong. I have had some hiccups along the way but I've lost 9 lbs! Yay, I couldn't be Happier. I still have a week and a half left so wish me luck! I can't believe how busy I have been. In the next couple weeks I'm going to be super busy with school, concerts, friends coming in town, San Antonio trip to see Chelsea Handler, and last but not least OU/TX! I know I shouldn't complain and I know I'm lucky to be able to do all of these things. So I hope ya'll have a blessed day because I know I am always blessed!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Monday?

As you can guess from my title Mondays are not my favorite. Why is this? It's because the weekend is over. I had a great weekend full of friends, family, and football. But I have to confess...I cheated on my diet...YES! I know...but I'm back on track and I've lost almost 10 lbs. (even though I really can't see it lol) Also, another reason why I don't like Monday is because I'm super busy at work dealing with invoices, money, and certain vendors (that will remain unnamed for reasons) I also have my night class tonight. It is Acting for the Camera. I don't know why I have to take this class but I am. Tonight we are shooting a commercial for the "Home Store" Completely made up and completely embarrassing. But I have to do it for the grade. At least we only meet once a week! So I'm off to study my lines once again...wish me luck and have a nice day ya'll!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday: My favorite day of the week!

Today is Friday! Yay! I couldn't be any happier...why? Because it is my favorite day of the week, and here is why:
Yes, I do work but only till 3. (which means I still can get a nap in)
My weekend has started.
Club Rodeo is free for students for I can go two-steppin'
Game day weekend has started! Boomer Sooner baby!
and mostly because it is the only day of the week I don't do homework.

This Friday is a little different though... I started this new diet on Monday and let me tell you it is HARD! I take 15 drops of the HCG stuff 3x's a day and I can only eat 500 calories...What? Crazy I know but I have already lost 5 lbs! Yeah buddy! It gets easier everyday but the 1st day was awful! I thought I was slowly dying and would have killed someone for a cheeseburger but now I'm fine. Two more weeks to go and it ends the day before I'm in San Antonio to see Chelsea Handler with my Big and Tamra. Can't wait for a true girls weekend full of shopping, gossip, vodka, and Chelsea Handler! Well I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!

and remember there is only ONE Oklahoma!!! Boomer Sooner!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Day

Hey ya'll! This is my first blog ever! I'm new at this so it might take me a while to get the hang of this. Well first off I should tell you a little about me. If you can't tell from my title of my blog I live in Oklahoma and love being girly! I'm an Okie girl who loves Red Dirt music, pearl, red lipstick and anything classic. I would call my self country/southern because I mix of both. I do love to dress up but I couldn't live with out my jeans. Even though I go to the OU games all dressed up, hair done, and red lipstick doesn't mean I don't know football. I love sports, and most of all I LOVE my OU Sooners! I guess through out the blogs you'll get to know me a little more each time. So till next  time have a great day!