Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Finding Myself and Maybe a Little Love too...

Well for the people who already know me or are just reading this
blog, you guys know that I am a college student,
store manager and 23.
What some of you might not know is that for the past
11 months I have been single.
And when I say single I mean it.
I haven't dated anyone or even gone on a real date.
For some of you this might sound crazy or even sad.
But for me it has been great.
For the first time in my life I truly know how I am as a person.
It has taken countless mistakes, great friends,
and bad relationships to get me here,
but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Now I can see the end of the road for school, have a job I like to be at, and
have my best friends all back in Oklahoma.
I finally can start to look for the one thing that is missing in my life
which is: love
I'm not saying "I wanted to be married by 25" or anything,
I just want to find someone to be with, my best friend
and just someone to love.
Now that I know who I truly am and what I want out of life
I don't wait to waste my time on someone.

So now I am on a search.

Who knows how long or when it will happen.
It doesn't matter, what matters is that who ever this person is that
they will make me happy,
and hopefully I'll make them happy as well.

I know there are tons of women doing this same thing and
I hope they find what they are looking for.
So here is a quote I stumbled upon that has helped me:

"When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain."
-Mark Twain


  1. You are so precious and sweet! You have so much to offer a man. Don't ever settle. You deserve someone who will make you happy and treat you like a queen!


  2. Thanks Heather! Thats what I've learned in thses past 11 months, so we'll see! Love you!
